Price list, 2012
Author and Title 1 Copy or N Copies Subtotal
Adolf Joffe: Diplomat revolutsii $19.00 @ $14.00 $
Nadezhda Joffe: Moi otets A. A. Joffe $12.00 @ $12.00 $
D. King: Biografiia L. Trotskogo v foto $50.00 @ $45.00 $
I. Pavlov: 1920's — Zapiski oppozitsionera $15.00 @ $10.00 $
V. Rogovin: Vlast i oppozitsiia $16.00 @ $16.00 $
V. Rogovin: Stalinskii neoNEP $20.00 @ $20.00 $
V. Rogovin: 1937   $19.00 @ $19.00 $
V. Rogovin: Mirovaia revolutsiia i mirovaia voina $19.00 @ $19.00 $
L. Trotsky: Predannaia revolutsiia $15.00 @ $12.00 $
L. Trotsky: V zaschitu marksizma $15.00 @ $12.00 $
Total number of books: Book value $
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Iskra Research, 151 Magazine str. #2, Cambridge, MA 02139
